Residence Life hosted their second annual Wellness Fest on Tuesday, Feb. 22, with more than 30 booths present from on-campus and Gunnison Valley community organizations offering students a complete picture of wellness. The registration table at the event featured an array of donated prizes, gear, and gift certificates. Students who completed at least three of the seven station types received a ticket to enter in the raffle, with incentives for completing more.

“This is the second year of Wellness Fest, and we’ve found that it’s great to highlight the resources in the Gunnison valley. It provides people with networking opportunities, internships, and ways that they can feel better in all aspects of their being. That includes the aspects of intellectual, social, physical, and financial well-being,” says Holly Hunter (above), a resident assistant. Photo: Abigail Krueger
“Wellness is a cool opportunity to celebrate wellness and teach students about it. It has such a big impact,” says Emma Choban (left). The above duo hosted a decorate-your-own reusable bag station with money obtained from the school’s Sustainability Fund. Photo: Abigail Krueger
Students had the option to take a gaming break at the Esports booth. Photo: Rachel Whitmore
Wellness Fest participants set off to complete their wellness coloring wheels to enter the raffle for donated prizes. Photo: Abigail Krueger
Ashley Woolman (left), Western’s Sustainability Specialist, and Yetunde Rotimi, an MS in Ecology student, stand by to educate festgoers on the intricacies of recycling and environmental wellness, and to gain signups for the Mountaineer Recycling Pledge. Photo: Abigail Krueger
Students were encouraged to share their honest emotions and opinions at various tables. Photo: Alex Pedersen
A variety of local organizations and banks taught students about the benefits of compound interest, and other aspects of financial wellness. Photo: Abigail Krueger
The Gunnison County health table offered information about sexual wellness. Photo: Abigail Krueger
Learning about blood alcohol levels and alcohol safety. Photo: Abigail Krueger
Western’s Title IX Coordinator, Shelby Schuppe (right), had an ask me anything feature to accompany her booth. Photo: Abigail Krueger
Residence Life Directors and event organizers. Photo: Alex Pederson
Tarot readings were a big hit featured at several booths. Photo: Patrick Rakowicz
Artistic expression was a consistent theme throughout the event. Photo: Alex Pedersen
Photo: Alex Pedersen
Students collaborate at one of the art booths. Photo: Rachel Whitmore
Students fill in a large freestyle coloring sheet at the Wellness Fest this past Tuesday. The event was an opportunity for Western students and faculty alike to relax, play and learn. Photo: Rachel Whitmore
Resident Director Gage Deeter give a student a Tarot reading Photo: Rachel Whitmore
Emma Berg. Photo: Alex Pedersen

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