By Claire Burianek

Photo: Alex Pedersen

I sit stooped

over a glowing screen,

struggling to drag out

appealing tendrils

of something meaningful.

I sit and doubt

the existence of honesty,

struggling to understand

why people’s golden tongues

are filled with darkness.

I sit and ponder

“the point of life”,

if there is one to be found-

is there a point to life

or are we all cellular clumps?

I sit confounded

by misery surrounding me,

or am I the misery?

Is it possible to feel that feeling again?

That feeling that used

to bubble up

from my stomach

and erupt

from my mouth and my eyes.

Has that feeling abandoned me?

And for that matter,

what is the point?

            -by that, I mean of misery, of joy, of all of it!

I just need to get through this class. I just need to get through this day. I just need to get through this assignment. I just need to get through this workout. I just need to get through this week. I just need to get through this winter.

THEN, I’ll be happy,

not now,

but then.

Whenever “then” is.

If I’m falling apart

at the seams,

my stuffing spilling

onto the ground,

at least I’ll fall apart


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