Photo: Gregg Morin

Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) is right around the corner and we have a ton of great programs planned!

Western’s Sexual Violence Student Advisory Committee (SVSAC) is back this year with events planned for the whole month of April to raise awareness of sexual assault and educate the community on how to prevent sexual violence. We welcome all of campus to participate in these programs! See more about upcoming events below:

What were you wearing?” 

To kick off SAAM, the SVSAC has organized an art display to contest victim blaming with regards to clothing choices.

  • If you are a survivor of sexual violence, we welcome you to confidentially provide us with:
    • Descriptions of what you were wearing at the time of the assault(s) or harassment, either as a written piece or other form of art, or
    • If you are comfortable, you can provide the piece of clothing itself.
  • Please contact either Katy Kellogg at or Jessica Garrison at if you are interested in engaging with this project. Your identity will be protected and only Katy and Jessica will be aware of who is submitting to this art project.
  • What were you wearing?” will be displayed in the Mural Room in the Library from April 18th – April 30th

T-shirt Giveaway 

Keep an eye out for tables around campus giving away this year’s SAAM shirts the first full week of April! We’ll ask that you rock them throughout the month and make them what you want for the SLUT Walk on April 21st!

Queer Rock Climbing

On April 8th from 5-8 pm, join Campus Recreation for a gender inclusive night of climbing! Campus Recreation will be hosting a night of climbing dedicated to those who identify as a part of the LGBTQ+ community or want to learn more about the intersections of gender inclusion in campus recreation and the outdoors.

The night will start with pizza and conversations followed by learning how to climb and getting on the wall! No experience is necessary and climbing wall fees will be waived for the event. Join for part or all of the event! RSVP here, if able:     

More information: 

See the attached calendar for an idea of what else is to come! We’ll reach out with more information about future events and engagement opportunities.  

Please share with your friends and join when you can! We look forward to having you join us in our efforts to prevent sexual violence on campus and in the community!

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