Editor’s note: This piece was originally published by the Gunnison Country Times in Jan. 2022.

Duane Vandenbusche

Recent reporting by the Gunnison Country Times (GCT) highlighted the case against Dr. Duane Vandenbusche, a distinguished Western history professor of more than 50 years who has maintained a significant community and statewide profile.

The March 2020 incident, which allegedly included sexist and derogatory comments towards a female Western employee, reportedly involved Vandenbusche slapping the woman twice and forcing her to hug him. 

As reported by the GCT, the woman involved in the incident alleges that Vandenbusche has a history of making misogynist remarks towards her that spanned several years. Vandenbusche pled guilty to the harassment charge on Dec. 15, receiving a plea deal which will keep him out of prison and drop the more severe assault charge (which carries a maximum of 18 months jail time). 

His punishment includes a year-long probationary period, the coverage of court costs (less than $250), fewer than 50 hours of required community service, and the completion of a sexual harassment course.

Should he complete these terms adequately, the harassment charge will be dismissed, and the court case sealed. 

Legal matters aside, Vandenbusche’s resignation was finally called for by interim president Nancy Chisholm after the court appearance and guilty plea, and officially announced in an all-campus email from Chisholm on Dec. 17, 2021.

The grievance report filed by the injured party was received by Western’s Human Resources Department in mid-January 2021, and a police report was later filed in February. 

Yet, Vandenbusche remained in the classroom during the spring of 2021 and through the recently completed fall semester (teaching a half-load), even after charges were filed in May 2021 and the 83-year-old Vandenbusche appeared in court in August of 2021.

As reported by the GCT, Vandenbusche also acted as a critical component of the “Elevate Western” fundraising campaign and played a large role in the October Homecoming festivities. 

The whole saga raises a number of questions, beginning with why Vandenbusche was not suspended during the course of legal proceedings.

Was it his reputation and status within WCU and amongst the greater Gunnison Valley that sheltered him from more immediate consequences? 

What message is the university sending to Western donors that a key person in the fundraising campaign was actively under legal investigation for harassment and assault, and yet was allowed to continue teaching on campus and serve as the face of a multimillion-dollar fundraising campaign?

Let’s set aside the financial concerns to focus on the most important matter: safety. With the decision not to suspend Vandenbusche during the legal and investigation process, it is clear that the reputation of a long-tenured professor with deep-seated community ties was prioritized over the immediate safety and well-being of students and other faculty and staff at Western.

What are parents of young students, particularly women, to think of the Vandenbusche case should they stumble across it online?

In keeping Vandenbusche in the classroom, Western administrators failed in their duty to protect WCU’s community, and the university’s broader reputation, against someone credibly accused of assault, sexual harassment, and repeated instances of gender-based discrimination, including witnessed accounts.

Students, parents, and other interested parties should not be initially hearing of such a serious incident from their local newspaper nearly a full calendar year after it was first reported, and more than 20 months after it initially occurred. 

Western must do better moving forward to rapidly respond to allegations on this scale with swift and meaningful actions.

This should include issuing suspensions amidst thorough internal investigations and sending clear communications outlining both process and consequences to students, faculty, staff, and the broader Western community. 

Any student who felt their safety, mental health, or grades were impacted by any professor or staff member’s behavior due to discrimination on the basis of sex are entitled to file a Title IX complaint by contacting the Title IX office or accessing the reporting form online.

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  1. To me, 60 years of service is more important than one mistake.
    It should have been reported
    When it started. I lknow times. Have. Changed. Just my uninformed oplnion.

  2. LOL. What a fitting end for a world class loser.

    I got into a nasty brawl with his team of scrawny track athletes who seemed to only fight like pack animals. Never one on one. They pulled this number CONSTANTLY at bars and parties.

    They operated with impunity within the town because this guy ran interference for them (especially his golden boys from NZ). And yeah, these guys are all in Western’s Hall of Fame despite EVERYONE in town knowing the trouble they routinely caused.

    This guy was an awful human being 30 years ago. It’s amazing he was able to hide it for this long.

  3. Very one sided article, the intentional lack of information is disturbing. He stated that he was innocent of all charges and is taking the plea as to not spend 50-100k in court fees and that at 87 he doesn’t want to waste two years of his life in court. Seems odd not to include a large part of the story. Read the Crested Butte news article. It seems to be more accurate

  4. I ran track and cross country for this disgusting piece of garbage from 2000 to 2002 but I transferred to another college because he allowed the other pieces of garbage he coached to harass and bully me for being gay.

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