Applications for the Geiman Senior Fellow Program (GSF) are now open, and will close on Sept. 14. All Western students with sophomore status and up — and with at least two semesters of schooling remaining as of last spring — are eligible to apply, regardless of major. 

“The mission of the Geiman Fellows program is to develop leaders capable of excelling in today’s marketplace and being productive members of our global society,” reads the Geiman Fellow’s website.

Dave Geiman, a businessman and philanthropist, started the Geiman Fellows program back in 2016 with the goal of developing the next generation of international leaders.

This year, the senior fellowship course (Education 497) will be held in March and April on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The course consists of a service learning project, a series of readings around international topics, and a month-long trip to mark the fellowship’s conclusion.

David Geiman (lower right) with the 2022 class of Geiman Fellows in Spain

One past service learning project included a hefty contribution to the launch of the EPIC (Experienced Peers Initiating Connection) Mentors program — a holistic mentoring program for freshmen — for the 2019-20 academic year. 

Fellows crafted the plans for the program, and presented to Western’s Board of Trustees to obtain programmatic approval.

Throughout the fellowship, selected students develop skills in decision-making, leadership, public speaking, and emotional intelligence. 2023’s course will delve into topics of democracy and citizenship, while incorporating elements of service learning by taking on a service project of their choosing.

This year’s trip itinerary will take fellows to Harlaxton, the study abroad center for the University of Evansville in Grantham, England. Fellows will then go on to visit London and conclude their international travel with a stay at a chateau in Paris.

The trip’s main costs, as well as the Harlaxton courses, are paid for by Mr. Geiman. Students will only be responsible for covering the cost of airfare and the associated Western academic credit.  

Students interested in applying can browse the information below:

The deadline for 2023 applications is Sept. 14.

Applicants should submit a résumé and cover letter (maximum of 2 pages) via email to Julie Baca, the fellowship’s director. Her email is 

Minimum Qualifications to become a Geiman Fellow:

  • Sophomore, Junior, or Senior with at least two remaining semesters (24-96 credits at the end of Spring 2022)
  • Suggested 3.0 Cumulative GPA
  • Demonstrated curiosity, involvement, knowledge, skill, and/or drive beyond what is expected
  • Demonstrated reliability, responsibility, integrity, flexibility, collaboration and/or strong interpersonal skills
  • Proactive and responsive communicator
  • Proven leadership or potential for leadership with additional mentoring
  • Demonstrated ability to manage multiple endeavors without experiencing excessive stress
  • If you are passionate about becoming a Fellow, please contact Julie Baca, Director of the Geiman Fellows program at

What to include in the application:

  • Name, Student ID#, Campus Address (include residence hall and CPO or off campus address), permanent home address, e-mail address, cell phone
  • Major(s), Minor(s), Career Interests/Goals
  • What do you hope to gain from the Fellows, and what would be your most valuable contributions?
  • Be sure you craft a professional résumé and cover letter, attending to all requested information above; it is highly suggested that you seek help at Career Services through the draft(s) and revision(s) process.

After the applications are reviewed, students will be selected for an interview process with Mr. Dave Geiman, the founder and benefactor of the program. The interviews will take place with Geiman during the final week in September, with students notified later in the fall.

Learn more about the Geiman Fellows program.

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