Members of the Gunnison community are invited to join B’nai Butte and local church groups on a Vigil for Peace this Sunday, Oct. 15 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Attendees will meet at the Church of the Good Samaritan (307 W. Virginia, Gunnison) and walk a few short blocks over to I.O.O.F. Park at 124 E. Virginia Ave, at the corner of Main St.

From the event’s organizers:

“The atrocities that have occurred over the past week in Israel have hit home for all of us. The senseless killings, abductions and ongoing violence hurt our souls and tragically break our hearts. However, Jews are not the only ones hurting for those victims. Neighbors throughout our Gunnison Valley communities are hurting along with us, regardless of faith or political perspective, wondering how each other feels, how to help console, what to say or who to talk to. But we are one Gunnison Valley, and we are always stronger together.

“Our goal is not to host a political discourse on Sunday, but rather to come together through prayer, good intention, and kindness. To hope for an end to the violence and death, to pray for the safe return of all hostages, and ultimately see PEACE in Israel and throughout the world.”

All who plan to attend are invited to bring candles and walk in peace among your neighbors to the park, where we will hear hopeful messages from several faith leaders, including Vicar Laura Osborne of Church of the Good Samaritan and Reverand Timothy Clark of Crested Butte’s UCC Congregational Church.

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