By Kira Córdova

Dashown Wilson, Western’s new director of Campus Security Services, is settling into his new role in Gunnison. He wants students and others in the Mountaineer community to know they can reach out and connect with him.

Dashown Wilson

Dashown Wilson has been on campus for just a few short weeks in his new role as the director of Campus Security Services — but he’s not wasting any time getting settled. 

Born in the Bronx, Wilson grew up in New York and Florida and earned an associate and bachelor’s degree in criminology at Alfred State in upstate New York, where he played football.

Dashown is an army veteran and a former semi-pro football player who is currently earning his master’s degree — also in Criminology — from Minnesota’s St. Cloud University. 

I wanted to move out of New York to start over [and] get away from the fast life,” he says.  

When Wilson heard about the position at Western, he jumped at the opportunity to work in higher education. He hopes to get off on a good foot and familiarize himself with the Gunnison community, adding: “I’m very approachable. I don’t want security to scare people away.”

He acknowledges security and law enforcement can have negative connotations, particularly amongst younger folks, but he wants to overcome that barrier and interact with students outside of his formal role as security director. 

“I know when people hear [the words] security, law enforcement, or law, they tend to get nervous and shy away, but I’m very open and communicative. I want to talk to people. And it doesn’t have to be about security. It can be about whatever. We can talk about life, classes, majors, video games, or sports. I’m just hoping to communicate with students and get to know them better.”

Right now, Wilson’s favorite video games are Call of Duty Modern Warfare III and Apex Legends. Plus, when it comes to sports, he can talk about just about anything, having played baseball and basketball in addition to football.

He admits that adjusting to a smaller mountain west community is a significant culture shock — but he’s excited to take advantage of the recreational opportunities the Gunnison Valley has to offer

“I’m open to snowboarding and snowmobiling,” he adds.

Wilson’s office is in UC 104, and you can reach him at 

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