It was a brief SGA meeting this week. Nevertheless, here’s five things you should know!

One: An update on emergency Covid-19 relief funds

You may recall an email from earlier in the semester about the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF), a federal program allocating billions of dollars of emergency relief funds directly to students. 

Western’s Dean of Students Gary Pierson gave an update on the funds, stating that the committee tasked with allocating the funds is meeting Thursday, March 9, and that approximately $45,000 remains in the fund. 

Considering the overwhelming number of applicants, and the high asks of some students (up to $20,000 in some cases), Dean Pierson was earnest in saying that disappointment is likely imminent for many students when decisions are announced next week. 

Two: Mediocre attendance at Presidential Search sessions

Multiple SGA members decried the low attendance at the first two Presidential Search sessions intended for students, with about 20 students in attendance on Tuesday for Brad Baca, and 15 or so in attendance on Wednesday for Dr. Maria Klawe. SGA members had arranged meet-and-gos in coordination with EPIC Mentors departing from the Trailhead, but attendance has not been robust. 

The final student input session is from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. with Dr. Michelle Rogers in the Harry Potter room of the Savage Library.

Three: Campus Covid-19 cabinet winding down

Dean Pierson added that Western’s Covid-19 cabinet will likely stop meeting regularly after Spring Break, with cases in Gunnison County remaining low to nonexistent. The committee will continue with short check-ins and updates, but the cabinet will wind down its operations, at least for the time being. Covid testing on weekdays will still continue through the end of the semester. Dean Pierson congratulated students for their efforts in helping stave of covid cancellations and closures as Western. 

Four: Board of Trustees coming to campus for meeting, presidential decision March 24

On Thursday, March 24, Western’s Board of Trustees will meet in the University Center for the first time since the pandemic hit the U.S. in mid-March 2020. Western students are encouraged to attend, and Board of Trustees members are expected to deliberate on and choose Western’s next President. 

Five: SGA applications open March 21

Applications for positions in student government will open the Monday following Spring Break, with campaign week the first week of April, followed by elections and the announcement of results later in April. Now’s your chance to get involved with student government!

That’s all for now, see you after Spring Break!

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