Photos by Michael Montes

The 3rd annual Wellness Fest took place this week, with each day assuming a new wellness-based theme.

Monday was devoted to physical activity (complete with some West Africans drumming and dancing) Tuesday to nutrition, Wednesday to stress management and self care, and Thursday for mental health and well-being.

Students had a chance to check out different booths to learn about the different areas of wellness and enter a raffle to win Romp Skis and other giveaway items.

Monday: Physical activity

Left to right: Remy Long, Inez Herrara, Jeff Sladewski, Caroline Toomer, (front), and Lukas Lose tabling for campus recreation

“My favorite part about my job is the students, who are the reason why I’m here. I love helping others,” said Jeff Sladewski, assistant director of campus recreation.

Nicole Swaggerty (left), Western’s director of student health and wellness, and Cheyenne Terry, disability services and testing coordinator

Tuesday: Nutrition

Jad Freiha, a Western Master’s of Environmental Management student, at the Organics Guild’s nutrition booth

“One of my biggest concerns on campus has always been food insecurity, so I joined the Organics Guild (OG) to help others around campus with that,” says Rylee Hammar, a Western Environment and Sustainability student holding down the OG booth.

Wednesday: Mental health and stress

“We’re here to spread awareness to mental health and help students realize that it’s ok to talk to other adults,” said Nya Greenstone, a behavioral health clinical supervisor for Axis Health Systems.

A booth advocating SafeTalk training and Crested Butte State of Mind

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